Discussion Groups

I am thinking of hosting a series of discussion groups in my home. I would like to hear from those of you who would consider attending. The cost would be $40 per person or $45 per couple. The first one will cover feather picking. I expect a round-table discussion about what everyone has tried and what results, if any, were seen. In some ways, this is like a support group. Feather picking is a frustrating behavior that makes us feel helpless. The bird usually seems happy but the humans that watch with emotion can't help but feel there must be something they haven't tried. I will have some handouts and the discussion should be lively! Refreshments will be served and perhaps a follow-up can be scheduled periodically. Tentatively, I will schedule the first group for Sunday March 30th at noon. Other discussion groups will cover "Screaming and Noise Manipulation" "The one-person bird" and the always popular, "Biting!" Please respond soon with your input. Seating is limited.
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