Who Needs A Roomba
Granted, a Roomba is a wonder device for any bird home. A little automated robot that undocks, patrols the floors picking up debris, and then returns to the dock to charge. It would get quite a workout at my home!

However, in this photo, you will see the more common "quicker picker upper." As Sophie enjoys a piece of wheat bread, Hazel waits patiently for any crumbs to fall.
The photo isn't easy to see due to the back light from the window. But, I couldn't resist taking a picture because Hazel didn't move for ten minutes!
My dog, Moki, is also constantly on floor patrol at my home. She is like a raccoon when it comes to reaching inside a cage to sweep a dropped piece of chicken or cheese from the newspapers. She is also quite an expert at cracking almonds and eating the nutmeat from them. Strange diet, to be sure!
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