Mimicking Behaviors
Lucy Preening Her Tail |
Parrots mimic more than just words. I have a wonderful old macaw here named Knuckles who doesn't preen himself as much as I would like. One reason is that he is old and not as steady as most macaws. He probably doesn't feel comfortable turning his attention to the tail because of balance issues. Fortunately for him, he has a companion who comes over to preen him when they are allowed to fraternize outside the cages. Big Bird does a great job of preening her buddies head and neck which is what a mate's job would ordinarily be. However, his tail is in poor shape. So I have been placing Lucy, my scarlet next to his cage on a tree to demonstrate proper preening. She loves to get out and flap her wings and then goes to town on her emerging feathers. Knuckles watches... I'm not sure if he's watching a beautiful girl bird with lustful eyes...or is paying attention to the demonstration. We shall see.
Barnaby Chowing Down |
I also use close perimeter demonstrations for learning to eat well. If I take a bird who is not interested in the morning breakfast and put a good eater next to him or her, voila! I soon see some interest in the food shy bird. This is why I love the Smart Crock In and Out Crocks. I can place one exactly where I want it and exactly where the parrot is hanging out. All the better to entice an appetite.
Pierre Eating Better Now |
Grape Gets Grapped First |
Pierre comes for daycare each day and she needs to improve her eating habits. When Barnaby arrived and started eating next to her, Pierre dug into the food. She chose the grape first, of course! But she'll soon learn how great the peppers and green beans are as well. If Barnaby loves them, they must be good! Right?
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