Parrot Nanny Gayle Reece

Gayle Reece Parrot Nanny Caring for parrots in the San Francisco Bay Area. My Life As A Parrot Nanny. Quite an interesting business! Email me at

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Out of Cage Time and Joshua Update

Simon On Pulley Gym
Simon is spending time here on my new pulley gym.  This manzanita branch hangs in my living room and I can raise and lower it as needed.
Simon wasn't too sure about it at first. He is caged in a different room with his flockmates so coming downstairs to the big "Simon Sized" gym meant he was separated from his "family".
However, soon he relaxed and utilized the expansive branch complex.  The second time he was brought to this contraption, he thoroughly relaxed. Everything takes time.

Joshua in the paneled cage.
 As an update to Joshua's new and improved smaller cage (truly not small as it is a macaw size cage), here is a photo of him happily ensconced in the more familiar setting.  The acrylic panels are mounted on the inside of the two back corners. These are the areas that he would tend to flee to when he flailed about. He gets around just fine using the ropes and perches. No hampering his style whatsoever. Who would have ever thought that a parrot would prefer a smaller cage.
I'm a firm believer that parrots like being in their cages. Some people only feel guilt-free if their birds are out all the time.  But imagine if every day someone lifted the roof off of your cozy home and put you outside.  There you go!  Be free!  Sometimes it's just nice to be in your comfort zone. Ideally, in my opinion, parrots should have brief sessions out of their cage. Going back intermittently will allow them to relax and eat. 


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