Thought my day would be the ordinary kind...caring for the parrots and such. 8am 0pened the drapes in the Noisy Room where Lucy and Molly reside with Josey Wales, the sentry alarm bird. The neighbor across the street had been TP'd. The breeze did a good job of blowing the long strands of toilet paper. This startled and alarmed my birds. Josey who isn't even near the window would not stop calling out his warning. You'd think the TP was snakes! My entire day was stressful and anxious because of this little prank. It's not even April Fool's Day! I used all my tricks to soothe the wary beasts. I ended up closing the drapes and turning on the full spectrum lights. Then, I played their self-soothing CD of soft music and nature sounds. Then, I gave them all showers....put them out in the backyard cages....brought them in...nothing really calmed them. If those people knew what a panic they caused. Parrots are very visual. They also are fearful of new and "threatening" things.
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