I have the pleasure of caring for this wonderfully precocious young Hyacinth macaw. He is big and has a mind for mischief. His size lets him
think he can get away with just about anything. He loves to hang out on his Atom (
www.motherpluckinbirdtoys.com) and, because his parents brought his from home, he has one downstairs and one upstairs in my office. He can hang on with his big feet and flap wildly getting the Atom swinging around and around on its swivel! He becomes a blur and ends up getting lots of exercise! In this photo, you can see that I caught him trying to swing over to Chauncey's cage to climb into trouble! I always have one eye on this guy because he has a tendency to find his limits. Most parrots are contented to play and entertain themselves and know their boundaries. Not Big Blue Boy! He always wants what is just out of reach. If not supervised, he would eat my house!
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