Parrot Nanny Gayle Reece

Gayle Reece Parrot Nanny Caring for parrots in the San Francisco Bay Area. My Life As A Parrot Nanny. Quite an interesting business! Email me at

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Tragic Accidents

Accidents happen. We try to provide a safe environment for our birds but we cannot be certain of its safety.
A very good friend of mine just experienced the horrible discovery of her beloved yellow collar macaw strangled in her sleeping tent. She had even purchased a replacement because she kept a close eye on its condition and was prepared to replace it when it became shredded.

When birds are active, we need to take extra care. Long strings, loops of any kind, and shredded material can get wrapped around your bird's neck or leg easily. Then, while struggling, your bird can become exhausted and die. This can happen to anyone.

Please take a moment now to really look at your bird's set up. Are there any looped strings, chains, or wires in the cage? Is the cage cover stringy or shredded? Does your bird have a "happy hut"? We don't think our birds would get hung up in a loop, but it happens. Learn a lesson from this tragedy. Don't become complacent about your bird's environment.


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