A New Boarder

You may notice that one wing is much lower than the other. He was recently seen at a veterinary office and during the grooming process, his wing was broken. A parrot's bones are hollow and fragile. It's amazing that these delicate bones can lift and carry such a heavy bird to soar over the forests. Just goes to show that they have strong muscles.

Crawford was nervous and tried to intimidate me from picking him up. After the wing ordeal, he didn't want anything to do with a "stranger." I let him have the first day just relaxing and getting used to the new surroundings. But, alas, it was time for him to come out! I was concerned that any commotion could bump his injured wing. So, I went to "plan B". I got a large perch and had Molly, my blue and gold, step onto it. I carried Molly around singing and showing Crawford how fun this activity was. He watched intently. Then, after taking Molly outside to her waiting cage, I went back to get Crawford. He was a bit nervous but he stepped onto the stick without a fuss. I was ready with a destination that was nearby. He successfully was transported to the large playtree. There he found some yummy food waiting in the cup. After a while, I used the stick again to transport him to the hanging Atom in my bedroom/office. He could see the other birds outside enjoying the fresh air and sunshine. He happily preened and climbed around. Now, moving Crawford is easy and we both are calm and comfortable. Tomorrow, maybe the outdoor cages!
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