Parrot Nanny Gayle Reece

Gayle Reece Parrot Nanny Caring for parrots in the San Francisco Bay Area. My Life As A Parrot Nanny. Quite an interesting business! Email me at

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Survivor For Sure

This is not a sad story, but a happy one. Some people see Artie and exclaim how sad they feel. I am here to say, Artie is a survivor and seems to be a very happy bird.
This photo is the "before" photo. He had a very rough beginning. The gaping wound has since healed with some surgery and her new family is caring for her in the best possible ways.
This is Artie today. She (dna'd a she but we still wonder because of the size) is still rather stoic and doesn't exhibit the normal hyper Goffin activity. She sits and watches the world.

I am observing her and trying to entice her to expand her world. She is next to PJ, who exhibits ALL of the normal hyper activity!
So when you see this naked little girl, don't cry. She is in good hands and has a bright future.
Kudos for the rescue work done by Mickaboo and their many volunteers and network of caring people.
Moved by Artie? Check out Mickaboo to donate or volunteer.


At 11:41 AM , Blogger Margie G. said...

Mickaboo is the BEST! I can't emphasize how important their work is. Thank goodness for the network of volunteers and supporters who keep it running.

Artie is my heart. She reminds me to be grateful for every day and to make the most of it. I thank Gayle for helping us work on giving her the fullest, most glorious life we can. It means learning new skills - for all of us.

At 8:09 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

How is Artie doing? Is she learning to play yet? Artie, sweetheart, one day at a time. You have come so far.


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