Buster Feathered Out |
Buster Clipping Again |
I've written many times about the guilt that comes naturally when one has a parrot. They are so intelligent and so sensitive. My grey, Buster, came to me with feather issues. I've gotten him back to perfect feather two or three times in the years that I've had him. He was doing so great! The diet changes (no corn and no wheat) and the Munch Muffins really made a huge difference. However, and there will undoubtedly always be a "however", he has taken a turn once again. During this February heatwave, I put him outside with the other parrots. But instead of placing him in the large flight cage that he was used to, I placed him in a smaller cage that I recently placed outside against the house. I've moved more cages outside so that more birds could be out at the same time. Apparently, Buster did not like the new cage or it made him anxious. When I went out to retrieve him, he had clipped a few of his feathers. I had hoped it was a temporary setback, but he has continued to clip away. I knew not to hold my breath and celebrate his success. But I was beginning to be hopeful! So now we're back to a fuzzy bird. Perhaps a concerted effort and we'll see success again. But I felt it necessary to confess the ups and the downs of having a feather destructive bird.
Clipped Carnage |
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