This is Josh. He is a fallow (color variation) greencheek conure. These little guys are excellent companions. They don't have the noise level of some other conures...ie the ARATINGA conures (Blue Crown, Sun, Nanday, etc) and they are small and easy to manage. They definitely have huge personalities as anyone who shares their home with one will attest to. They seem to be great little birds to have children around. Never, ever, get a parrot of any kind
for a child unless you can supervise daily and insure a life-

long commitment to the bird. Children lose interest and bird's live "forever." Also, never get
your parrot another parrot for a companion unless you can commit to it as an independent being if the two birds don't enjoy each other! But these little ones are fun, interactive, and not too intimidating. They are fun and easy to train to do tricks (behaviors) on command. If you live in a noise sensitive home or don't have a lot of space, a greencheek conure or maroon belly conure (the two most common pyrrhuras) might be the parrot for you. There's no such thing as "a starter bird" because every bird brings with it a huge commitment. But some are easier than others and don't present a complex combination of issues. All the same rules do apply. Establish the right kind of relationship, teach them to entertain themselves, provide a large and exciting cage, etc. I'm certainly enjoying Josh!
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