Handsome Rambo
This is Rambo. He is a 23 year old, very sweet and handsome, Blue and Gold Macaw. 
Rambo is here to find a new home. His parents gave him 23 years of love and a lot of good solid training. Life has gotten to be a little overwhelming for them and the decision was made to downsize the flock. Many of us start out loving parrots and end up getting too many. (I know I have!) Making this type of decision is not easy. I applaud this family for hiring me to find Rambo a quality home. Interviewing, educating, and supporting likely candidates can be heart wrenching. They have given Rambo a beautiful beginning. Now I will find a home for Rambo. He is entertaining and well adjusted. A large macaw is not for everybody. But, believe me, they are endearing, playful, and love to be cuddled. Typically, they are quiet until they let out a loud call. Not commonly a good apartment tenant, although I do know some that exist quite well like that. Depends on the bird, and the neighbors!
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