Wishes Wants to be Wet

This is Wishes. She is a young red fronted macaw and has been a bit noisy while staying at my home. I am trying to figure out her needs.
She has a rather incessant call so I'm thinking she is either not used to being in her cage a lot or she is missing Bubbles, the little Hahn's macaw that is currently in my "small bird room".
Yesterday, even though it was very hot, I put all the macaws outdoors in the large flight cages and sprayed them down with the shower nozzle. Wishes was in heaven! She could not get enough! This did the trick, at least for a little while! When I brought her back inside, she was content and quiet. Ahhhh.
Today I will do this again, however, I may bring Bubbles down to be next to her as well.
Whatever it takes!
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