Fresh Clean Water - Bath Time!
Some birds, like Salsa here, can't resist diving into the water bowl. On this sunny morning, he joyfully emptied the water dish. Luckily I was at hand to dutifully and patiently wait for the culmination of the activity and then fetch a fresh bath, I mean dish of water. I do worry, however, that people that have someone pop in to check on their bird may come home to find their bird without any water. This is just one reason to use my boarding services. At least remember to install two or more water dishes if your bird is likely to jump in the water when you leave your bird during the day. You also might want to take the time to thoroughly bathe the bird before you leave. That will be a happy activity and will give your bird plenty to do while you are gone. Preening is a natural busy bathing! Yippee!
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