This cold snap has changed our routine around here. Most days, if it gets to 60 degrees or higher, the parrots get some outside time. However, with the temps plummeting, they are resigned to remaining indoors. What to do with a lively parrot that has cabin fever? A long warm shower, of course! I have a dedicated bird shower and a hot water heater that can be easily set to any temperature. I set the water to 105 and rotate the parrots to the shower. They love it! Afterwards, the house gets quiet. I don't use a hair dryer afterwards because that can dry them too much. Also, the ceramic heat element in most hair dryers has Teflon on it. Certainly don't want to blow them with Teflon! I just turn the furnace up a little bit and allow them to preen and dry on their own time schedule. Lucy, seen here, takes a long time to dry out! She loves to get soaking wet!
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