Indy is in No Hurry
Life around here is very routine. I move along at a casually enjoyable speed tending to each bird and getting the many chores done.
One of those routine chores is to rotate the birds to the large outdoor flight cages. Indy, this smug hyacinth macaw, has his own idea of time. You see, first you ask him to step up. That's his cue to latch onto the cage bars with his huge feet and even huger beak. It would take a numatic jack to pry him off. One must resort to psychology. I stop asking and close his cage. Then proceed to take out another macaw. Each time I come in, I ask Indy if he wants to go outside? "Want to go out and get a cracker?" Again he becomes fixed to the cage. I close the door and get a different bird. And so on and so on...
It occurs to me that his mom and dad probably have a lot more time than I do!
Indy seems to expect a bribe of a good head rub while going through the gyrations of getting him out of the cage.
Okay, I can do that... I begin with the expected head skritch, especially around the yellow skin around his eyes. He loves that!

I saw Indy over the weekend - what a GORGEOUS bird he is. I'm glad you are able to coax him outside to enjoy that marvelous playland you have in your backyard.
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