Recently I had the opportunity to have a little girl Yellow Collar Macaw board here at my home. With the owner's permission, I allowed Kiefer and the new girl to hang out together on the hanging playgyms in my office. I was present and ready to step in at any moment. Parrots that are newly introduced need to come to their own terms with regard to relationships. In this case, Kiefer took the inititive to investigate the little lady. She, on the other hand, retreated and acted very submissive. In photo Kiefer is coming down to see her. She is not so sure of him! If he came on too strong, she would fly off and find refuge on me. These two had never been confronted with the same species before. They never did establish any lasting bond...good thing since the young lady went home after a few days. I think they might have succeeded eventually but I would rather have parrots of the same sex become pals. Much less complex! I feel that having buddies is great but I like to always provide their own individual cages for stress-free living. Relationships built on a neutral playgym are less territorial. Always have plenty of room for them to work things out and be there to supervise until you feel confident that all is well.
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