They're Not Just Making Noise

I now have birds throughout much of my home. I find it fascinating to just listen to the "conversation" that is carried on during the more "vocal" moments in the day. This morning, Simon, a panama amazon guest that is staying downstairs in the dining area (this is where amazons LOVE to be since food is usually their obsession) was quite talkative and as he said a good loud "HI" I then heard Lucy my Scarlet Macaw from her upstairs room shout, "Hello!" Then just after, one of the Greys that are in yet another room seemed to finish the friendly conversation by saying, "Okay, Yep, Bye Bye." I definitely feel these various species are enjoying talking to each other. They know of the others in the home and catch a glimpse here and there as the shower rotation goes by. They are a flock and they delight in making noise. Happy noises abound. Even the shy "only birds" get into the cachophanie of "jungle sounds" and conversations. I believe "hello" is the universal word that is understood by most of these guys as they come to my home. I say hello to each one and soon all the birds do the same!

They even speak to Moki, my Pomeranian dog. They scold, "don't bark!" "Quiet" and when I leave the room thay prompt the command, "come on Moke!" Moki has learned to subsist on dropped vegetables and Harrison's Coarse. Yumm. She often chooses to stay in with the birds to clean up. (Especially on the days that they get a smidgen of chicken or cheese!) The inter-relations are fun and fascinating to watch. Just another reason that parrots captivate our interest.
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