This is a conure kind of week. I had Charlie here for a short visit. He's the handsome guy sitting next to the sunflower. Also had Baily and Dude visiting...the greencheek and yellow sided greencheek on top of the cage. And, I'm visiting the flighted conures on the top of the armoire, Blue and Mango. Mango is peeking out from under Blue's tail! I love to allow flighted birds to fly when I can supervise them. The hardest part is getting them to "go back" when the time comes. For Baily and Dude, the "secret weapon" was their favorite treat, Life cereal! They would cooperate when they saw the cereal go into their cage. For Blue and Mango...the only way is to darken the room and tell them, "Come on PooPoo Head, time to go back." If the room is dark and I say that particular phrase...they, too, cooperate (eventually). Charlie is no problem at all. He simply steps onto his little bird ladder and he'll go anywhere. Training flighted birds to cooperate with us grounded folk is challenging but necessary.
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