No one knows the effects of a minor earthquake until they've experienced it in a house full of parrots! Last evening there was a 4.4 in the North Bay. Here, in the East Bay, it was strong enoung to feel. This time, the greys were the most affected. I have three here (two that are mine and one guest). Usually it's the cockatiels that are most terrified. The greys seem to set each other off. The trouble is... aftershocks. I know we had many. Not because I felt them. I didn't. But I was awakened throughout the night by the grey's flailing about in their cages. I left a light on throughout the night so that they would be less scared. I would enter the room and talk softly to reassure them that all was okay. I don't remove them from the cages. I want them to get back to calm as soon as possible. I try to create as little disruption as possible. My biggest worry comes from knowing that the seven macaws that I care for with home visits are alone. Macaws don't generally come off of their perches in an earthquake, at least mine don't. But, I am anxious to go to see them right away. Can you share your experience with the quake? Make a comment!
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