I have some new favorite things that have recently been introduced to my flock. One is Timothy Hay! You can find it in the rodent/rabbit section of the pet store. It smells sweet and is nutritious if your parrot eats it. I use it in the foraging cages instead of shredded paper. The Timothy Hay reminds me of the barn where I kept my horse as a teenager. Buster and Joshua love pulling it out and making a mess (what fun!) to get to the hidden treasures inside the cages. In this photo, you will also see some hanging edamame beans. I found these "fresh from the farm" at Trader Joe's and hung them inside the bird cages. They love it! One by one the parrots pick a pod off and open it up. I tried to get a candid shot of one of them doing this but, alas, they stop all activities when I aim the camera! But take my word for it, they love the hanging Sweet Beans. Trader Joe's also sells some animal crackers that are low fat and low sodium that the parrots seem to relish. Also at Trader Joe's are Freeze Dried Strawberries that are unsweetened and unsulfured. These are crisp and even parrots that won't eat mushy fruit seem to get excited about these! I wrap them in napkins and stuff them in the hay filled foraging toys along with other treats. Makes for a sweet smelling quiet house. You can see that an excursion to Trader Joe's is a hunt for bird goodies too!
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