Life At Parrot Nanny
Echo Stuck Like Glue |
Here is handsome little Echo admiring himself in a type of mirror. It's not really a's simply a shiny washer. But he will find any shiny surface and keep company with that charming companion nose to nose. I've moved him to a different cage to avoid this situation. He and the flock are allowed to roam openly in the cockatiel room and this gives Echo a chance to sneak into the neighboring cage to visit with his image. It's not bad for a short visit, but inactivity is not a good thing with these guys. They need to climb, fly, eat, and drink. Be sure your bird isn't drawn to only one spot in the cage. Promote activity.
On a different subject....
I've had some clients voice concern over the Japan catastrophe radiation spreading to the West Coast. That, plus a very rainy week, has all of the birds staying indoors. I have been busy showering them and rotating them to the various playareas. They also have full spectrum lighting available. So having to spend their days indoors is not very punitive.
Do I think the threat of radiation is viable? Not really. But I want to err on the side of caution and I want my clients to relax and not be stressed.
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