Parrot Nanny Gayle Reece

Gayle Reece Parrot Nanny Caring for parrots in the San Francisco Bay Area. My Life As A Parrot Nanny. Quite an interesting business! Email me at

Saturday, February 14, 2009


Another toy making party and we certainly had fun! It looks a little chaotic but the results were fantastic!

We mostly worked on what Chris calls Cluster Flocks. These are wiffle balls strung with Polly Rope and many MANY items knotted on to make a terrific and irresistible toy! Buster adores these and has the final say. Since he has been offered these, his feathers are showing some real improvement! He spends a lot of time working on the toy to dissassemble all of our work. He even loves to unravel the polly rope ends. They are easy to restring with items dropped. Some of the dropped pieces become foot toys that hold his interest for a long time. After an afternoon of creating these Cluster Flocks, I can attest to the intricacy, number of items, and time involved in just one toy! Granted, we were also laughing and playing with the birds but one of these toys takes hours to complete! If you want to purchase some for your flock, go to and place your order. Chris can provide you with the toys and, perhaps, even a bag of refurbishment parts! Remember, it's not how many toys you have, it's the quality and attraction factor! These are activity magnets!


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