Here is a photo of Buster taken today. Buster has had feather issues for years. I, like many others, try various remedies to alleviate the feather picking. What has caused this seemingly successful turn of events? I can only speculate. There is no way to truly know. One thing that I am doing lately is giving him a large portion of the new muffins that I make each night as I "tuck him in". They are loaded with nutritious ingredients and I believe he spends the restless moments after being covered munching on the muffin. They have no wheat or corn in them and the ground flax seed meal may be a key to success. All I know is that he loves the muffins and I keep them handy whenever I feel he needs something to do. I've certainly tried everything else including light, humidity, preening toys, foraging, and more. I hold my breath knowing that any morning I may have a fuzzy grey bird perched above a pile of clipped feathers. But for now, this chest of scalloped feathers is a wonderful sight. Way to go Buster!
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