You Got Another Bird!
Does Munch look a little stressed? Actually he is eager to come out to play with the other boys.
Sammy isn't as excited. Since I have made some changes to the flock dynamics in the small bird room.
This is Bubbas. I agreed to take him in and find him a good home. He was a bit on the wild side, however, so I am working on taming him down a bit first. He is quite a character. He whistles Sentimental Journey and talks quite clearly.
Maybe this is why the other boys are so jealous. During the day, he spends his time in the larger cage with Sammy. They tolerate each other.
I'm hoping they become cage buddies and that Bubbas can stay. It's nice to have a variation in tunes coming from that room!
Longest Tail Winner
This is Rico. He is a greenwing macaw. The photo, unfortunately, seems dark because Rico likes to hang out in the shady sections of the outdoor cages. He lives in The City and his days spent here are thoroughly enjoyed. Being outside on the warm fall days is enriching for all of us. I took this photo because it occurs to me that Rico has the longest tail! Even my scarlet macaw, Lucy, can't compete. Maybe because he is a big boy and she is a girl. Who knows.
Cockatiels Batchelor Party
Sammy and Munch have only each other now to entertain themselves. The sweet lass, Katie, went home. Katie basically doesn't even know that she's a bird, let alone that the boys are interested in her. But Sammy was smitten and Munch would occasionally act competitively to get her attention.
Now, the two boys hang out on the ropes and preen. Sammy is the smudgy faced one on the Atom. Munchkin is the handsome guy on the boingg.
These guys are so much fun. One could almost write a soap opera while watching their interactions.
Luncheon At ParrotNanny

Recently I invited a couple of good friends to come for lunch. Shelley and Sherry had so much fun playing with Crawford, the hyacinth. He enjoyed all the extra attention too! Sherry brought her new baby yellow collar macaw, Kapono. At only four months old, Kapono was happy upside down in our laps, snuggling into our chests, or playing on the tree with many foot toys. You can see by his outstretched wing that he was given a "baby clip". He is an excellent flyer! He already has the ability to take off and land with competence. The gentle clip keeps him from gaining too much elevation. Little macaws and big macaws are very lovable. They're a real hands-on kind of bird.
Crawford Hyacinth Outside

Well, I've made a lot of progress. Crawford is now comfortable coming out to play. He absolutely loves being outside! On this beautiful afternoon, he enjoyed sitting in the sunshine quietly and soaking up the rays. This will improve the look and health of his feathers. I used this peaceful setting to get him used to being sprayed with water. "He hates water." I misted Lucy, my scarlet, and Molly, my blue and gold.
Crawford watched and remained okay with it. Then I covertly sprinkled the water over Crawford. "Gee, it's raining..." Crawford actually seemed to enjoy it! Horray! A good drenching shower will get his feathers looking good in no time!
A New Boarder
This is Crawford! He is a mature (23+yrs) hyacinth macaw. His life, thus far, has had lots of drama.
He was found after a major hurricane in Florida and eventually found a new home with his current parents. They love him dearly and usually take him wherever they go. However, I am lucky enough to get to care for him while they travel this month.
You may notice that one wing is much lower than the other. He was recently seen at a veterinary office and during the grooming process, his wing was broken. A parrot's bones are hollow and fragile. It's amazing that these delicate bones can lift and carry such a heavy bird to soar over the forests. Just goes to show that they have strong muscles.
Crawford was nervous and tried to intimidate me from picking him up. After the wing ordeal, he didn't want anything to do with a "stranger." I let him have the first day just relaxing and getting used to the new surroundings. But, alas, it was time for him to come out! I was concerned that any commotion could bump his injured wing. So, I went to "plan B". I got a large perch and had Molly, my blue and gold, step onto it. I carried Molly around singing and showing Crawford how fun this activity was. He watched intently. Then, after taking Molly outside to her waiting cage, I went back to get Crawford. He was a bit nervous but he stepped onto the stick without a fuss. I was ready with a destination that was nearby. He successfully was transported to the large playtree. There he found some yummy food waiting in the cup. After a while, I used the stick again to transport him to the hanging Atom in my bedroom/office. He could see the other birds outside enjoying the fresh air and sunshine. He happily preened and climbed around. Now, moving Crawford is easy and we both are calm and comfortable. Tomorrow, maybe the outdoor cages!