Parrot Nanny Gayle Reece

Gayle Reece Parrot Nanny Caring for parrots in the San Francisco Bay Area. My Life As A Parrot Nanny. Quite an interesting business! Email me at

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Birds Have Names!

Cornell University is researching parrots and this video is all about a study determining how they learn their names. 

Yes, they have individual names and use them in communication along with other individual's names!
Fascinating stuff!

Monday, January 23, 2012

Out-Of-Cage Time at Parrot Nanny

Not your typical living room.

Luve Active and Playful

Jasper Happy to Supervise

Solo Trying To Check Out Jasper

Sumo Would Rather Be On Me
I take pride in the care that I provide for my guest birds.  Some of them are used to lots of interaction and out-of-cage time.  I can't duplicate their exact preferences but I can see to it that they have some time to stretch and get a change of scenery.  Often this is while I clean their cage and change out their foods and water.  They climb around and check out their neighbors (from a distance).  Of course, when I pull out my phone to snap a photo, they immediately stop all cute antics and lean toward the phone!  You can see from the photo of my living room that each parrot is comfortable kicking back in their own space. 

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Successful Toy Selection

Every parrot has a favorite pastime.  Some have many!  If you can figure out exactly what your parrot enjoys doing, you can concentrate on providing the right environment.  That is why I use a lot of cardboard strips and soft wood, etc.  When a bird arrives for the first time, I quickly determine where that bird likes to sit and what motivates the bird.  Some are rather stoic and others are hyperactive.  It takes all kinds!  Once I found Buster's favorite is the Avian Maze Craze Block, I now order them in quantity.  He chips away at the block with seeming delight.  It's his thing...

Friday, January 13, 2012

Anxious Birds, My Specialty

Many of my clients have needy birds.  They need attention and lots of things to do.  One of my "secrets" is to create a toy string for each "guest" and place it near their roosting perch.  These are not fancy or beautiful but they are irresistible.  Once I determine their favorite texture or item, I refill it when needed.  Some birds love the fuse beads or pony beads, some prefer soft wood.  These two Toos seem to like the soft pliable baby spoons that I found at the Dollar Store and drilled holes in the handles.  They're bright and just the right texture for chewing.  Birds that have feather issues need the security of a good environment.  Separation anxiety is enough to send them into a frenzy if they feel uncomfortable. Rooster and Bisou here know the routine and get the same cage each visit.  Parrot Nanny has become their home away from home.  I love them.  

Thursday, January 5, 2012

A Must-Have Toy For Little Birds!

Look what I found!  Sometimes it's easy to forget that the little birds need new and exciting toys too.  I checked out one of my favorite sites, Cavalier Bird Toys, and found this can't-be-ignored toy.

It's called a Jingle Feeder Cup and it arrived as I just finished baking my Munch Muffins for the birds.  I took some of the crumbly crumbs from the cooling rack and filled the Jingle Feeder Cup. 

When I inserted it in Munchkin and Sammy's cage, they both went directly to it!  Munch, being of high intelligence and very agile, quickly selected a chunk of muffin to eat with his foot grasp technique.  (Quite unusual for a cockatiel.)  That left the cup available to Sammy.  Yumm. 

This toy has many attributes.  First, it's a foraging toy.  Always preferred.  Second it's a reflection toy.  Some birds just can't get enough of their image!  Third, it's a musical toy as it jingles delightfully.  Currently these are on sale for only $7.69!  What a deal!

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Gentle Bathing and Grooming

Elizabeth with Baby Bird

One of the services offered around here is gentle grooming.  Elizabeth brought her little guy "Baby Bird" down for a toenail trim.  Baby Bird is actually approximately 15 years old and has a touch of arthritis.  To make his mobility easier, especially on Elizabeth's sweaters, we try to keep the tiny needle tips clipped on his tiny feet.  
Sammy with his stained tail.

Sammy and Munchkin are boarding here this week and they tend to get dirty tails.  The beautiful yellow tail feathers are soiled at night in the carrier because they love Zupreem fruity pellets and these are colorful going in and coming out, if you know what I mean.  A gentle bath in a warm sink basin of water with a tiny bit of Dawn dishwashing liquid applied to the tail and vent seems to do the trick.  The birds seem to appreciate the bath. (They sleep in a carrier at night to avoid night fright injury.) 

Jasper Supervising His Cage Service
 Jasper, also boarding, takes a bath in his water dish.  Every bird has their preference.  If I give Jasper a warm spray mist bath, he dives into his water bowl and makes a huge flood on his cage papers.  Oh well, nobody said birds weren't messy!  He happily spends time on his playstand while I tend to his accommodations.  Jasper is a happy little guy even if he goes to town on his feathers.  This time around we're trying to move his cage around and change the position of the perches and toys to keep him distracted and reduce boredom.  With feather picking, one must never give up.  There is always something else to try.