Parrot Nanny Gayle Reece

Gayle Reece Parrot Nanny Caring for parrots in the San Francisco Bay Area. My Life As A Parrot Nanny. Quite an interesting business! Email me at

Tuesday, June 30, 2009


Sierra made up her own game. She got busy and chewed a porthole in her cage cover. Then, when I tuck her in, she peeks out and yells "bye bye". So cute!

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Positive Reinforcment Seminar

An all day seminar is on the calendar on September 19th at Rodies Bird Store in Clayton. It costs $125 and will be limited to 50 people. The featured speaker is Barbara Heidenreich of Good Bird Magazine. She will discuss and demonstrate the technique of positive reinforcement with our parrots. Should be a terrific presentation and a fun day for all.
To inquire call Rodies 925 672 4600. Check out Barbara's site at as well.

Friday, June 19, 2009

New Technology

Sorry that I've been absent from the blog lately. I am experiencing some new technology in my life and I am trying to learn many new things. Somehow I have two blogs now! Soon to be rectified.
I have a new smart phone. The newest latest and greatest Palm Pre. It is terrific but takes getting used to. This photo was taken with it!
Chauncey was outside having a lovely time in the big cage. He decided to watch the world from a different viewpoint. I thought this photo was symbolic of how my day was going.
The only thing getting me through these tech changes is a fantastic tech wizard named Lisa. She has a company named Computer Simplicity. She knows her stuff and can actually teach while she organizes and simplifies your computer, cellphone, calendars, etc. Amazing gal.

Monday, June 15, 2009

My Newest Guest Flock

These are some of my newest guests. They are all a family (with the addition of two Sun conures!) and are staying with me for a few days. I'll tell you that is one noisy room!
The top photo is Paco, a mustached parakeet. He is currently on medication and that is one service I am happy to offer. I am experienced in medicating these guys in a calm manner. Paco knows the routine and doesn't seem to get upset or anxious.
Middle photo is Artie, a goffins cockatoo. She has issues, as you can tell. She also needs medication and the method used for her is to insert the medication into a small bit of beloved birdy bread. She nibbles on that until it's all gone. Voila! Medicine taken!
The bottom photo is Winnie, a nanday conure. You can almost hear the racket being broadcast from Winnie! Wow! I have two rooms in my home that I have customized for sound deadening. I installed pieces of plexiglass on the inside of the windows. This helps keep the decibel levels from reaching my neighbors. In the large bird room, I also added foam cushioning to the walls to absorb their blasts. If I had this flock very often, I'd certainly do the same in the small bird room. It helps a lot!

Monday, June 8, 2009

New Phone, New Blog, New Calendar eeegads

I have been going through a transition. I got a new smart phone, the Palm Pre. This has prompted me to get a new calendar, Google. Google wanted me to sign up for a new Gmail address...and so it goes. Technology is fun but challenging. Hope you can all find me! my new email is

I hope the other email addresses work as well. Definitely the Blackberry email is discontinued. If, for any reason, you don't hear from me, it's due to this transition. Call me to confirm your boarding or home visits. Thanks. Gayle

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Toy Making Makes Us Tired

Today was a Grey Gathering Day. Our group was small but Cassie was the center of attention, again!
Luckily, she brought her slave, Christine.

Christine held her food while she dined.
Christine held her toy
while she explored it.

Christine massaged Cassie into a coma (for both of them). I want to come back as one of Christine's birds!

Sherry and I were quite successful in creating some terrific toys.

Since Christine makes her living making toys, this was a busman's holiday for her. However, she too made some wonderful new creations. She has so many marvelous ideas.

BirdyBling.Net is a must see.

We had a dramatic thunder hail storm move across the area giving us an excuse to stay put and continue into the evening. Everyone will sleep well tonight!

Especially Cassie! What a fun afternoon.

Monday, June 1, 2009

Parrot Needs A Home

I've been contacted by a woman who needs to find a home for her brother's beautiful double yellow head amazon. Her brother is quite ill and is not able to care for his beloved bird. They have been together for over 25 years. This family is dealing with a lot. The photo provided is taken through a window and doesn't show much. Obviously, this bird will need to be introduced to a more modern and functional cage. The mexican cage is what most amazons lived in back in the "old days". Whoever takes this bird will have to help him through the stages of mourning. It will be extremely difficult for them to be separated. This bird is much loved. The family hopes to find a home where he will continue to get plenty of attention. Contact me if you know of a hopeful situation. Thank you.
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