Lulli, the fuzzy Blue and Gold, has been a guest here before. He usually resides with the other macaws to alleviate the macaws calling back and forth to each other. This time, however, Lulli is staying in the living room due to a large population of macaws at the moment. What I have determined is that Lulli is an Alarm Bird! When my son, Paul, is outside filling the bird baths and bird feeders...Lulli sounds the alarm! When Paul is feeding the turtles in the pond outside, Lulli sounds the alarm! The decibel level of a macaw alarm is awesome. Truly, it could be heard throughout the rainforest. However, here in my home, it calls for ear plugs! The funniest thing happened this morning when all this alarm calling was blasting out. Matilda, the whistling grey used some of her people language skills! She called out in a rather disgusted tone, "Gall Darn It!!!" I had to laugh. Lulli quieted down once Paul went to work. Here you can see he loves ripe banana! Matilda went to work at the bottom of her cage banging her bottles. A little later in the day, Claudia came by and got the whole gang dancing! Lulli is a rockin' bird! So was Buster, Chauncey, and Matilda! They love to bop with the songs.