Monday, September 25, 2006
Saturday, September 23, 2006
Who Is Louder?

There aren't a lot of parrots that can compete with the decibel levels of a large male moluccan cockatoo. This is Sydney. I get to babysit him and his housemates. He's pretty full of himself and can rattle the windows when he gets his vocal chords going. Do parrots have vocal chords?

If you have difficulties with extra loud parrots, try to understand that they are loud for a reason! They're absolutely no good at text messaging. They make their communications travel throughout their territory in a more low-tech way!

Monday, September 18, 2006
Communicating With Words In Context
I know that I write about this guy alot! But he is so funny, hyper, intelligent, and has a clear voice when he speaks. This time he really made me laugh out loud. A daily occurance! He was so excited about something that he fell to the bottom of his cage. Slightly embarrassed, he climbed up and up and got to his favorite high perch on the door. Once there, he announced, "Whew!" in the most delightful voice. I must say "whew" when I do something strenuous. He picked that up and used it in context! Like the way he now says, "Want to go outside and take a shower?" Because the birds gets sprayed with the misting hose when they're outside on a hot day. He combined the two phrases very appropriately.

Sunday, September 17, 2006
Feather Picking Success Story

Thursday, September 14, 2006
Relaxing with a Parrot Pal

Tuesday, September 12, 2006
Palm Oil Success?

Friday, September 8, 2006
Beaks As Tools

Thursday, September 7, 2006
Getting Those Head and Neck Pinfeathers
I came across a solution to grooming the prickly pinfeathers on my Scarlet macaw's head and neck. She would only allow so much before getting into a snit and shutting down all attempts. I walked her over to my mirrored closet doors and stood right up to the mirror with her. She always loves to look at herself! I put her head up to the mirror and started preening the new feathers. She submitted her neck as if I were "the other bird." I believe that she saw the reflection as her grooming pal. Success! Now she's much more comfortable and she looks gorgeous! No more porcupine quills. Sorry, no photo available because my hands were busy!
Wednesday, September 6, 2006
Marking a Syringe for Proper Dose