Little Playgrounds - Big Playgrounds
Time spent out of the cage is fun. These little guys have great setups. The little white-eared conure on the rope enjoys climbing around on his cage-top rope gym. The two little girl cockatiels have a chance to stretch and explore on their coffeetable basket. A basket like this can go to any room and become a great place to station your bird while you are busy. No reason to relegate them to one room. Why not a visit while you're in the office or even the bathroom!
Indy, the hyacinth macaw, has larger plans for his playtime! I combined all three hanging rope gyms to give him enough room to frolic. He hangs and swings and climbs from top to bottom. He needs to keep busy or he wants to be in my lap! I'd get nothing done if he got his way. He hangs by his beak and presents his big feet to be collected. If I ignore this...he starts saying, "Come on!" "Come on!" which is his version of "step up."