Update On Buster

Buster is still
fluctuating with his feather progress. He begins to grow in the scallops of chest feathers and then, poof! They're gone.
I still give him the Haldol in hopes that it will calm him and remove his anxiety. Some improvement is better than none!
I have managed to teach him to sip it from the syringe (instead of having to wrap him in a towel). One less stress in his life. "Want your strawberry?" He readily takes the syringe into his beak. Still some gets away... oh well.
The latest anxiety for him was when I decided to trim his flight feathers. I believe in letting a feather challenged bird have his wings. But, after the recent traumatic escape, I decided to clip him. He goes outside daily and I cannot risk seeing him launch into the trees. Would he? Probably not...but that feeling is still fresh in my mind.