Happenings Around Here
Katie Back With Ida |
Little Katie was our guest for well over two months. She does fine here but she was so elated when she finally got to go home to her mom, Ida.
Ida had been ill and was unable to care for Katie. (She's a very spoiled little cockatiel.) While Ida recovered and gathered her strength, Katie had to put up with the room full of male cockatiels. She certainly had no interest in them. In fact, I don't think she knows that she's a bird.
Glad that she is back on Ida's shoulder and getting the much appreciated head skritches.
Felix (back) Simon (front) Free Time |
Simon and Felix spent the weekend! They are always fun. Simon enjoys being here! He sings his heart out in perfect pitch. Amazing Grace is a very soothing melody. Felix, on the other hand, doesn't sing. But she enjoys climbing around and supervising all chores and activities!