Noise Solutions

Charlie, Sun Conure, arrives! Charlie is hilarious. He is active and mischievious and, oh yeah, LOUD! Now, the house has become conure level crazy. Lots of play, and lots of noise. Oh well...
The only thing I can do is wear ear plugs with my wireless headset over them to listen to TV, keep the windows closed so the neighbors aren't annoyed, and keep these guys entertained without rewarding their raucous behavior.
It's a good thing their personalities and their beauty make up for their noise level! If anybody out there lives with one of these Aratinga Conures and has some input as to noise management, please share your ideas with me via email! One thing I have noticed is that the first few days are the worst and then things settle down considerably. The fact that I have arriving guest birds adding to the mix frequently gets things riled up. Everyone screams their hellos and "here I am" calls to the new arrivee.