Caesar The Fastest Budgie Alive
This is Caesar! He is one quick little buzzing bee! He loves to fly but I'm so afraid he will get into trouble in a new environment (my home).
Gayle Reece Parrot Nanny Caring for parrots in the San Francisco Bay Area. My Life As A Parrot Nanny. Quite an interesting business! Email me at
This is Caesar! He is one quick little buzzing bee! He loves to fly but I'm so afraid he will get into trouble in a new environment (my home).
In this house, there are birds as well as cats. Everyone enjoys a visit from the parrot nanny. I turn on the TVs, open the windows, and talk to the animals.
I love brushing the cats and listening to their purring motors. After all, life isn't just about the birds!
I'm never too busy to sit and let the critters climb all over me. You can be sure the cats and the birds are in different areas of the house!
Feather Picking is the most guilt ridden behavior encountered when caring for a parrot. Why do they do it? What am I doing wrong? How can I stop it?
This is Odie, the umbrella, who absolutely loves getting wet!
Lucy, my scarlet, can't seem to get wet enough! And now, Sierra, my boarding Blue and Gold, is a wet freak too!
I have quite the welcoming committee here at my home. First Ben, my Blue Crown Conure, sounds a ear splitting welcome call to all who enter through the front door. He really is quiet most of the time!
Currently I have a lot of boarding cockatiels to add to my own flock. The guest tiels seem to enjoy the company of others. Here you can see most of them out for some socialization time on the playgyms in their room. Bubbus, Munchkin, Echo, Sam, Katie, Georgia, and Buffy!
The netting project is completed. The entire upper bird patio is now protected with the netting. I originally purchased it to protect the birds from making a get-away when I take them out or bring them in from the large outdoor cages.
Lucy is watching as Paul installs the netting to prevent escapes and hawk approaches. She blasted him a few times as only a macaw can do and he quit for the day soon afterwards. Darn!
I am happy to report that now I am netting in the entire area to prevent escapes. After a visit to the Feathered Nest Aviary, I was impressed with the netting installed over their patio. What a great idea!
I checked out and ordered it! My son, Paul, is shown here installing it.
I will now be able to take birds out that are stick trained or reluctant to let me hold their feet. If you enjoy sitting out on your patio or deck but are afraid to expose your bird to the risk, consider this cheap alternative for safety.