In the late afternoon, there comes a time when the parrots have to come indoors. On these beautiful summer days, sometimes they don't want to.
Indy, here, is very good at playing the game of "Make Me!" He climbs into the corner and holds on for dear life with both feet and his rather powerful beak. When he is fastened to the cage like this, he is very difficult to extricate. But, he always has a smile on his face! It easily becomes a game.
My typical reaction, or should I say lack of reaction, is to turn away and do something else. I go ahead and take the other less obstinate birds inside. He watches me and wishes I would come play his game instead. When the others are all inside getting their afternoon "crackers", he somehow knows that he is missing out. Alas, he succumbs to the request to "step up" and in we go.
It does no good to get frustrated and stressed. In fact, that would make it much too much fun for Indy. Thank goodness I'm not in a hurry and I can take my time. Indy is so much fun and he has a fabulous sense of humor! What a guy!